The purpose of the project activity is to utilize renewable solar energy for generation of electricity. Dharampal Premchand Ltd. are the promoters of the project which involves the installation of 5 MWp Solar PV power project at village Gaon Talab, Tehsil Ichawar, district Sehore, Madhya Pradesh, India. The project activity contributes towards reduction in the demand-supply gap in the region and increase in the share of renewable energy in the grid mix.
Sustainable development indicators
The National Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Authority (NCDMA), under the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), has mentioned four indicators for the sustainable development in the interim approval guidelines for CDM projects from India.
Thus the project’s contribution towards sustainable development has been addressed based on the following sustainable development aspects:
Social and economic well-being
The project provided and continues providing job opportunities to local popilation during the erection, commissioning and maintenance of the solar project. Frequently, skilled, technical and industrial specialists travel to the solar plant and this positively impacts directly and indirectly the economy of the villages and the nearby area.
Environmental well-being
Solar power is one of the cleanest sources of renewable energy and does not involve any fossil fuel. There are no GHG emissions. The impact on land, water, air and soil is negligible. Thus the project contributes to environmental well-being without causing any negative impact on the surrounding environment.
Technological well-being
The project is step a forward in harnessing the untapped solar potential and further diffusion of the solar technology in the region. The project leads to the promotion and demonstrates the success of solar projects in the region which further motivate more investors to invest in solar power projects. Hence, the project leads to technological well-being.
For more details on this project, please click here.
For more information on the social benefits of the projectclick here.
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