Wind Energy Project in Maharashtra by M/s Shah Promote…

From USD 5.00 Available tonnes: 791
Our 7.2 Mw wind farm is located at Khandke, India. The project developer is the firm M/s Shah Promoters & Developers. In addition to the production of green energy, this project creates employment, business and extra income opportunities for the locals.


5.30 MW Bundled Wind Power Project in India

From USD 2.75 Available tonnes: 2,000
The project activity is a bundled wind power project of capacity 5.3 MW installed in the states of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Rajasthan in India. The project activity supplies electricity to the Indian grid. The total installed capacity of the project activity is 5.30 MW. The project activity uses wind energy to produ…


2 x 5 MW Baner khad & Iku khad small hydroelectric pro…

From USD 0.70 Available tonnes: 103,783
The bundled project activity comprises of two run-of-the river hydroelectric schemes with capacities of 5 MW each. It utilizes surplus hydro potential available in Baner Khad & Iku Khad, both tributaries of the river Beas in the state of Himachal Pradesh, Northern India. It exports the generated electricity to the Himachal…


Grid Connected Gas based Combined Cycle Power Project…

From USD 0.65 Available tonnes: 187,566
The project activity involves implementation and operation of a new natural gas fired grid-connected Combined Cycle Power Plant (CCPP) of 2*371 MW capacity at Kondapalli near Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India. It is run by Lanco Kondapalli Power Limited (LKPL).