The project is a 10 MW Biomass Power Plant of SEL Manufacturing Company Limited located in Ludhiana district of Punjab state in India . The project was setup to cater to the energy demand of the textile manufacturing facilities located in the same site.
Biomass energy projects generate heat and/or electricity by combusting organic matter like rice husks, animal waste, sawmill waste and palm oil waste. The energy produced powers and heats homes and industries, often using waste that would have otherwise been left to decay, releasing methane into the atmosphere.
The project provides employment to local communities, business opportunities for local stakeholders and avoids the use of fossil fuels. The emissions reductions of the project are estimated at 582,210 tonnes of CO2 eq. over the crediting period of 10 years.
The project utilizes biomass as fuel instead of fossil fuels for power generation. The project will not result in increase of GHG emissions and cause no negative impact on the environment. The purpose of the project is to utilize the available biomass fuels such as rice husk and crop residues in the region effectively for generation of power and conserve natural resources like coal.
The generated power is used for captive consumption for the manufacturing units. The project also helps to reduce the ever-increasing demand and supply gap of electricity. The project proponent conducted biomass resource assessment study, which indicates that the fuels to be used such as rice husk and crop residues are available within the region of the plant location.
The basic technology is Rankine cycle route where direct combustion of biomass materials takes place through a boiler to generate high pressure and high temperature steam.
For more information on the project, please click here.
For more information on the social benefits of the project click here.