10 MW Biomass Based Renewable Energy Generation for the Grid at Saradambika Power Plant Private Limited at Chandrapur District, Maharashtra
Saradambika is a 10 MW Biomass Power Plant located in Chimur, India. The project conserves local resources, reduces pressure on the environment, and improves health conditions in the community. The emissions reductions of the project are estimated at 353,487 tonnes of CO2 eq. over the crediting period of 10 years.
Saradambika Power Plant (P) Ltd is a 10 MW Biomass based power plant located at Chimur Village, Chandrapur Dist of Maharashtra State in India.
The project activity utilizes biomass potential available for power generation, which otherwise is dominated by fossil fuels such as coal, lignite and gas. The project will not result in increase of GHG emissions and cause no negative impact on the environment. The project conserves local resources, reduces pressure on the local environment to some extent, and provides improved health and environmental benefits. The project generates real, measurable and long-term emissions reductions.
The purpose of the project is to utilize the available biomass fuels such as rice husk and crop residues in the region effectively for generation of power.
The generated power will be sold to the state grid for sustainable economic growth, conservation of environment through use of biomass fuels and Green House Gas (GHG) emission reduction. The project will also help to reduce the ever-increasing demand and supply gap of electricity. The project proponent conducted biomass resource assessment study, which indicates that the fuels to be used such as rice husk, Juliflora and crop residues like Cotton stalks, Soya bean stalks, wheat Husk etc., are available within the region of the plant location.
The basic technology is Rankine cycle route where direct combustion of biomass materials takes place through the multi-fuel fired boiler to generate high pressure and high temperature steam, which drives an impulse turbine generator set. The project activity generates power through sustainable means without causing any negative impact on the environment and export the generated electricity to the 33 kV MSEDCL substation located at Chimur Village, which is at a distance of 4 km from the project site. The project activity supports climate change mitigation as it leads to emission reduction of 353,487 tonnes of CO2 eq. over the crediting period of 10 years.
The project has been commissioned during June 2008 and is continuously generating energy and supplying to Maharashtra Electricity Distribution Co Ltd (MSEDCL), Maharashtra.
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