2.5 MW Rice husk based cogeneration plant at Hanuman Agro Industries Limited
Hanuman Agro Industries Limited (HAIL) is a public limited company, incorporated in 1994 with the main objectives of carrying out business activities in the field of Paper & Power Generation using conventional or non-conventional fuel.
The purpose of the project activity is to collect and utilize available and unutilized waste biomass resource effectively for effective generation of electricity for in-house consumption. The project activity which is a ‘carbon neutral fuel’ based cogeneration plant, is a 2.50 MW rice husk based cogeneration power plant generating electricity and steam thereby displacing power supplied from the Indian grid.
Besides from the generation of electricity, the project activity is saving the equivalent coal that otherwise would have been used for steam generation and avoids harmful gas emissions that would arise from using the coal.
The project activity is located in a rural belt and contributes positively to the sustainable development of India by further strengthening four pillars of sustainable development:
Social well-being:
The Project activity is contributing to a small increase in the local employment by employing skilled and unskilled personnel for operation and maintenance of the equipment. The productive use of an agro waste brings in associated economic and social benefits. The project also helps to bridge the gap of electricity demand and supply at local and national level.
Economic well-being:
The increase in demand of rice husk has local effect on its price and generates additional revenue for the rice millers, which in turn benefits the local farmers. The project activity results in saving the coal and HSD and allowing it to be diverted to other sectionS of the economy.
Environmental well-being:
The project activity is a renewable energy power project, which collects & utilizes waste biomass generated in the local region as a fuel for power generation and export clean power to the grid.
Technology well-being:
The project activity is adopting an advanced and sustainable technology for long-term benefits.
For more information on this project, please click here and for more information on the project developer, please click here.
For more information on the social benefits of the project click here.
Bank transfer payment for this project is possible from USD 50.00
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