5.5MW Bundled Photovoltaic power generation project in…

From USD 0.98 Available tonnes: 30,196
Korea Western Power Co., Ltd (KOWEPO), a leading electric power company in the Republic of Korea, has developed a 5.5MW Bundled Photovoltaic Power Generation Project. This grid-connected solar photovoltaic (PV) initiative comprises four PV power plants with a total installed capacity of approximately 5.559MW (1,875.5kW, 1,…


Zhejiang Tangcun 32MW Hydropower Project

From USD 0.59 Available tonnes: 9,168
Zhejiang Tangcun 32MW Hydropower Project is a replacement project (from 9.12MW to 32MW) with the utilization of water flow from the existing reservoir to improve the efficiency and without negative social and environmental impacts from relocation and land submerge as compared with similar scale hydropower project with new…


Salkhit Wind Farm

From USD 2.23 Available tonnes: 3,883
The Salkhit Wind Farm is the first grid connected wind farm in Mongolia. The project generates renewable electricity using wind power resources and supplies it to the Mongolian central electricity system grid to meet the growing electricity demand.


Wind Power Project in Tinwari, Rajasth

From USD 0.44 Available tonnes: 42,429
Wind World Inida Limited’s 20MW wind power project in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, generates clean electricity from wind, a renewable source. This project displaces electricity that would otherwise be generated from fossil fuel-based power plants in the NEWNE grid. Unlike traditional power plants, wind energy conversion is emission…


Binwa-IV Hydro Electric Project

From USD 0.90 Available tonnes: 59,277
The project establishment is an hydro power plant located on the Binwa-IV khad, a tributary of Beas River in Kangra District of Himachal Pradesh, India. The project is a run-of-river hydro project without storage of water and having an installed capacity of total 4 MW further comprising of Unit # 1- 2 MW, Unit # 2- 2MW, wh…


Burgos Wind Project

From USD 2.50 Available tonnes: 18,521
The Burgos Wind Project is the largest wind farm in the Philippines. At the time it was built in 2014, it was also considered to be one of the largest wind farms in South East Asia. It is located in one of the best areas in the country to generate clean energy from wind. The 150-MW facility has fifty (50) Vestas V90 wind…


Yeongam F1 Circuit Photovoltaic Power Plant CDM projec…

From USD 1.50 Available tonnes: 92,647
The purpose of the Yeongam F1 Circuit Photovoltaic Power Plant CDM project is to supply electricity to KEPCO (Korea Electric Power Company) by generating electricity using photovoltaic technology. The project is under construction at the F1 circuit parking lot in Yeong’am-gun, Jeollanam-do, Republic of Korea.


8 de Agosto

From USD 3.00 Available tonnes: 50,000
Polaris Renewable Energy Inc. (“Polaris”) is a company committed to the acquisition, development and operation of renewable energy projects in Latin America. Polaris is a high-performing and financially sound contributor to the energy transition. Our commitment to sustainability is rooted in our business strategy and corpo…