2.5 MW Rice husk based cogeneration plant at Hanuman A…

From USD 8.00 Available tonnes: 97,554
Hanuman Agro Industries Limited (HAIL) is a public limited company, incorporated in 1994 with the main objectives of carrying out business activities in the field of Paper & Power Generation using conventional or non-conventional fuel.


GHG abatement through Solar Power Generation at Jaisal…

From USD 6.00 Available tonnes: 2,506
Precision Technik Private Limited has developed a 5 MW grid connected solar photovoltaic power project in Nokh Village, Pokhran. Tehsil in Jaisalmer District in the State of Rajasthan in Western India. The project activity is expected to supply 8,322 MWh of net electricity annually to the national grid of India (NEWNE).


Bundled Wind Power Project by Gangamai Industries and…

From USD 4.00 Available tonnes: 32,871
This bundled wind power project has an installed capacity of 10.9 MW in the states of Maharashtra and Rajasthan, India. The annual estimated amount of greenhouse gases reductions obtained from the project activity is 17,321 t CO2e. Its developer is Gangamai Industries and Construction Limited.


10 MW Biomass Based Renewable Energy Generation for th…

From USD 3.50 Available tonnes: 2,563
Saradambika is a 10 MW Biomass Power Plant located in Chimur, India. The project conserves local resources, reduces pressure on the environment, and improves health conditions in the community. The emissions reductions of the project are estimated at 353,487 tonnes of CO2 eq. over the crediting period of 10 years.


Solar PV Power Project by DMPL in Fatepur, Gujarat

From USD 2.50 Available tonnes: 147,630
“Tata Power,” India's foremost integrated power company, stands as a trailblazer in shaping a sustainable future. Our resolute mission to achieve net carbon neutrality by 2045 sets a new standard, surpassing even benchmarks set by developed nations. At the heart of this extraordinary journey lies the Solar PV Power Project…


Solar PV Power Project by MMPL in Fatepur, Gujarat

From USD 2.50 Available tonnes: 150,009
“Tata Power,” India's foremost integrated power company, stands as a trailblazer in shaping a sustainable future. Our resolute mission to achieve net carbon neutrality by 2045 sets a new standard, surpassing even benchmarks set by developed nations. At the heart of this extraordinary journey lies the Solar PV Power Proj…


15 MW Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant in Gujarat

From USD 2.50 Available tonnes: 120,424
Walwhan Urja Anjar Limited is proud to present a 15 MW Solar Photovoltaic Technology (PPTV) based power project that's not just generating electricity – it is generating hope for a greener, cleaner world. Our visionary project employs cutting-edge Thin Film CdTe Solar PV Technology, displaying the immense potential of rene…


Grid connected solar PV power plant in Kutchh district…

From USD 2.50 Available tonnes: 39,220
Tata Power is driven by a resolute mission to achieve net carbon neutrality by 2045. Our commitment surpasses even the most ambitious benchmarks set by developed nations. In the Kutchh district of Gujarat, we proudly present a 5 MW (Mega Watt) Solar Photovoltaic Technology (PV) Power Project, in collaboration with Unity Po…