Biomass Energy Conservation Programme

From USD 10.00 Available tonnes: 9,724
A recent study in Malawi showed that switching from a three-stone fire to a Chitetezo Mbaula stove reduces the amount of particles emitted by 46% and carbon monoxide by 44%. A well-tuned stove can reduce firewood consumption by up to 80%, knowing that Malawi suffered 57% deforestation between 1972 and 1992. The Chite…


2.5 MW Rice husk based cogeneration plant at Hanuman A…

From USD 8.00 Available tonnes: 97,546
Hanuman Agro Industries Limited (HAIL) is a public limited company, incorporated in 1994 with the main objectives of carrying out business activities in the field of Paper & Power Generation using conventional or non-conventional fuel.


GHG abatement through Solar Power Generation at Jaisal…

From USD 6.00 Available tonnes: 2,448
Precision Technik Private Limited has developed a 5 MW grid connected solar photovoltaic power project in Nokh Village, Pokhran. Tehsil in Jaisalmer District in the State of Rajasthan in Western India. The project activity is expected to supply 8,322 MWh of net electricity annually to the national grid of India (NEWNE).


SFPL Solar Power CDM Project

From USD 6.00 Available tonnes: 12,438
The purpose of the project is to generate electricity using solar radiation energy to produce eco- friendly power; achieve sustainable development of the industry by reducing CO2 emission and other GHG emissions otherwise likely to be generated due to coal burning to generate power by the Grid based power plants.


Samdal Wind Power project

From USD 6.00 Available tonnes: 1,863
Samdal Wind Power Project is a wind power generation project located in Jeju Special self-governing province, the Republic of Korea. The project utilizes wind power which is generating no greenhouse gases emission into the atmosphere. The project supports the government policies to promote new & renewable energy technology…


Catalytic N2O Abatement Project in the Tail Gas of the…

From USD 4.10 Available tonnes: 11,620
This exceptional project for reducing nitrous oxide (N2O) in the tail gas of the nitric acid plant at Pakarab Fertilizer Ltd. in Multan, Pakistan, sets new standards in emission reduction. The facility has been retrofitted with a state-of-the-art tertiary N2O abatement unit that eliminates up to 90% of this potent greenhou…


Bundled Wind Power Project by Gangamai Industries and…

From USD 4.00 Available tonnes: 32,871
This bundled wind power project has an installed capacity of 10.9 MW in the states of Maharashtra and Rajasthan, India. The annual estimated amount of greenhouse gases reductions obtained from the project activity is 17,321 t CO2e. Its developer is Gangamai Industries and Construction Limited.


Taebaek Wind Park (Hasami Samcheok) CDM Project

From USD 4.00 Available tonnes: 34,159
Taebaek Wind Park (Hasami Samcheok) CDM Project is located in Gangwon-do, Republic of Korea. The project generates electricity based on wind energy. It contributes to the national renewable energy promotion policy and the global effort of GHG emission reduction.