Bundled Wind Power Project in Jamnagar, Gujarat

From USD 0.72 Available tonnes: 1
Project CDM 4964, a joint initiative by Vish Wind Infrastructure LLP and J. N. Investment & Trading Co. Private Limited, is a bundled project activity that generates electricity for the state grid of Gujarat. This project helps reduce the energy demand-supply gap in the state and contributes to sustainable growth by provid…


2.5 MW Bundled Wind Power Project in Maharashtra (Indi…

From USD 1.00 Available tonnes: 4
The main purpose of the project activity is to generate electrical energy through sustainable means using wind power resources, to utilize the generated output for selling it to the state electricity utility and to contribute to climate change mitigation efforts.


PoA for the Reduction of emission from non-renewable f…

From USD 30.00 Available tonnes: 940
The purpose of this project is to reduce emissions from household cooking stoves. The use of non-renewable fuel such as wood and charcoal for cooking, leads to the emission of greenhouses gasses, deforestation and poor indoor climate. The programme uses a number of different technologies to reach this goal.


Hunan Linwu Sanshiliuwan 48MW Wind Power Project

From USD 1.50 Available tonnes: 1,000
The project is the installment and operation of 24 wind turbines with a combined installed capacity of 48MW. The project is located at Xianghualing Town, Linwu County, Chenzhou City, Hunan Province, People’s Republic of China.


Upgradation, Operation and Maintenance of 200 TPD Comp…

From USD 1.00 Available tonnes: 1,029
The Okhla Compost Plant is a part of the Integrated Scientific Waste Management Scheme of Delhi. It processes over 200 tons of waste from dumpsites every day. The compost produced in the plant is used by local farmers to rejuvenate the soil, that has been affected due to overuse of chemical fertilizers.


3.2 MW wind power project of Agro Solvent Products Pvt…

From USD 0.50 Available tonnes: 1,838
The purpose of the project activity is to generate electricity by using the wind energy for the sustainable growth of Rajasthan state by providing clean and green electricity to NEWNE grid.


Samdal Wind Power project

From USD 6.00 Available tonnes: 1,863
Samdal Wind Power Project is a wind power generation project located in Jeju Special self-governing province, the Republic of Korea. The project utilizes wind power which is generating no greenhouse gases emission into the atmosphere. The project supports the government policies to promote new & renewable energy technology…


Rice Husk Based Cogeneration project in Haryana, India…

From USD 1.00 Available tonnes: 1,878
The project activity is developed by Goel International Pvt. Ltd (hereafter refereed as Goel International) which is one of the leading producers and exporter of rice in India. The project utilizes locally available biomass (rice husks) for simultaneous generation of thermal and electrical energy in a cogeneration unit. Ge…