Clean Cook Stoves in Sub-Saharan Africa by ClimateCare…

From USD 10.00 Available tonnes: 2,801
CookClean manufactures efficient cookstoves to displace the resources wasteful and unhealthy traditional stoves which kill 13,400 people and subject 21 million to Household Air Pollution yearly in Ghana.


Welspun Renewable Energy Program

From USD 2.50 Available tonnes: 277,346
The Grid-Connected Solar PV Power Project in Bhagwanpura, located in the Javad tehsil of Neemach district, Madhya Pradesh, India a visionary initiative, implemented by Welspun Solar Madhya Pradesh Private Limited (WSMPPL), signifies a monumental step towards sustainability and environmental stewardship.


PoA for the Reduction of emission from non-renewable f…

From USD 30.00 Available tonnes: 950
The purpose of this project is to reduce emissions from household cooking stoves. The use of non-renewable fuel such as wood and charcoal for cooking, leads to the emission of greenhouses gasses, deforestation and poor indoor climate. The programme uses a number of different technologies to reach this goal.


Distribution of ONIL Stoves—Guatemala

From USD 25.00 Available tonnes: 5,891
“Distribution of ONIL Stoves — Guatemala” project involves the distribution of fuel-efficient, improved cook stoves to households across Guatemala in households that currently use conventional open fire. The replacement of open fires with more efficient devices in households reduces the amount of fuel wood consumption thro…


National Solar Power Development Programme, India

From USD 2.10 Available tonnes: 13,771
This Programme of Activities (PoA) generates solar power which is supplied to the grid system of India. The PoA’s objective is to develop a carbon platform for overcoming hurdles encountered during implementation of small-scale solar power projects in India. The project activities under this PoA are the first of their kind…


Hebei ChengAn Biomass Cogeneration Project

From USD 0.47 Available tonnes: 298,747
Hebei ChengAn Biomass Cogeneration Project is located in ChengAn County, Hebei Province, China. Its purpose is to use local straw from cotton to generate electricity. The electricity generated from the project is sold to the Hebei Provincial Power Grid which is a part of the North China Power Grid in order to replace the c…



From USD 0.98 Available tonnes: 20,207
The purpose of the project “KOWEPO Small hydroelectric CDM Project in Taean” is to generate hydroelectric power by using the net head of cooling water drained into the sea. KOWEPO has established small hydro generators that uses sea water as cooling water and returns it into the sea.


Upgradation, Operation and Maintenance of 200 TPD Comp…

From USD 1.00 Available tonnes: 1,866
The Okhla Compost Plant is a part of the Integrated Scientific Waste Management Scheme of Delhi. It processes over 200 tons of waste from dumpsites every day. The compost produced in the plant is used by local farmers to rejuvenate the soil, that has been affected due to overuse of chemical fertilizers.