Angkor Bio Cogen (ABC) project, the first renewable energy project to utilize rice husk as biomass fuel for electricity generation in Cambodia, involves the operation of 2 MW new rice husk power generation plant in the Kandal province.
ABC provides the electricity generated from biomass power plant to the Angkor Rice Mill that, in absence of the project activity, uses diesel oil to generate electricity for the rice mill operation. Besides from this, ABC provides surplus electricity to neighboring factories and community through the power utility in Angsnoul District that, in the absence of the project activity, use diesel oil or batteries for their uses.
The Project uses rice husk as renewable source fuel for electricity generation. It achieves GHG emissions reduction in three ways:
1) The GHG reduction is achieved through the use of rice husk which was previously left to decay in the open space, resulting in methane emissions;
2) The generated power is exported to the rice mill, which partially replaces power generated by their captive diesel power generator, contributing to GHG emissions associated with the diesel power plant;
3) The surplus generated power is supplied to the local power utility, providing electricity to the community living outside the project premises.
The Project has contributed to the improvement of economic, social and environmental well-being of the community through providing reliable electricity access to the rice mill as well as the neighboring business and community in addition to improvement of the environment through avoiding methane emissions from decaying biomass.
For more information on the project, please click here.
For more information on the social benefits of the project click here