Avoidance of methane emissions from Municipal Solid Waste and Food Waste through Composting
This project activity entails production of organic manure-‘Enrich’ from municipal solid waste (MSW) and food waste (comprising of fish waste and coconut husk) through composting. The same is being developed by Krishi Rasayan Private Limited, the project proponent.
Waste materials are collected from various parts of Puri, a town in the state of Orissa in India, and treated aerobically to produce the organic manure. In absence of the project activity, the waste materials would have been dumped in unscientific and ordinary landfills thereby allowing them to undergo anaerobic decomposition resulting in emissions of methane gas.
The responsibility of operating the plant, treatment of the waste by composting and selling of the composted product i.e. organic manure to farmers and end users lies solely with the project proponent.
Therefore the primary objectives of the project activity can be summarized as:
1. Effective utilization of waste materials for producing organic manure- ‘Enrich’
2. Preservation and improvement of soil quality through the application of ‘Enrich’
3. Enhancing the agricultural crop yield
4. Reducing Global Warming
Contribution of the project activity towards sustainable development:
Social Well-being:
The project activity results in improving the general aesthetics of the city- Puri and hence aids in promoting industry and tourism in the state. Huge quantities of municipal solid waste and food waste, allowed to decay in unscientific and ordinary landfills, are breeding grounds for germs which can cause outbreak of fatal diseases such as typhoid and cholera. The project activity by avoiding the decay of solidwaste thus results in prevention of such diseases and helps in improving the health conditions of the city and its people.
Economic Well-being:
The project activity results in production of eco-friendly organic manure which is marketed under the brand name ‘Enrich’. The real economic benefits of ‘Enrich’ use include improved soil quality, water retention, biological activity, micronutrient content and improved pest resistance of crops.
Environmental Well-being:
The project activity has a number of environmental benefits. It not only involves disposal of municipal solid waste and food waste in an eco-friendly manner but also results in reduction in emissions of Green House Gases (GHGs) such as methane and other harmful gases that may emanate from the decaying waste in the unscientific and ordinary landfills. It also promotes use of environment-friendly organic manure which, in turn, will reduce the use of chemical fertilizers that may be harmful for the soil
Technological Well-being:
In India, generation of municipal solid waste and food waste has been increasing due to population growth, life style changes and economic development. On the other hand, waste management responses have not kept pace with the increasing
quantities of waste resulting in
(a) a high proportion of uncollected waste, and
(b) poor standards of transportation, storage, treatment and disposal.
The project activity has adopted a robust transportation system along with a unique technology of composting the municipal solid waste and food waste collected. This innovative technology solution has so far not been used widely due to limitations related to solid waste handling and organic manure marketing. Thus, the success of the project activity is going to encourage project promoters to replicate the technology solution and address the critical environmental concerns of ‘Solid Waste
For more information on this project, please click here and for more information on its social benefits, please click here.
NOTE: In case of encountering any issues while completing the payment transaction, kindly contact the vendor of the units directly at naveen@enkingint.org or sagar@enkingint.org for immediate assistance.