Biomass based power project by Harinagar Sugar Mills Ltd
This project, developed by Harinagar Sugar Mills Ltd., is based in a sugar factory in Harinagar, West Champaran district, Bihar, India. The purpose of the project activity is to generate electricity by the combustion of bagasse which is a carbon neutral fuel.
A part of the generated electricity (2.75MW) is being used in the adjacent sugar plant and the surplus electricity (10.93MW) is being exported to the Bihar State Electricity Board (BSEB).
The project activity contributes towards sustainable development and addresses the key issues below:
Social well-being:
The project activity employs skilled and unskilled personnel for construction, operation and maintenance of the power plant.
Economical well-being:
The generated electricity is sold to the NEWNE regional grid, thereby improving the grid frequency and availability of electricity to the consumers which provides new opportunities for industries and economic activities in the area.
Environmental well being: The combustion of bagasse leads to a reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases and other harmful gases like Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM), oxides of sulphur (SOx), oxides of nitrogen (NOx).
Technological well-being: The technology used in the power plant is reliable and safe. The technology is available in the host country and hence there is no transfer of technology from Annex I country.
For more information on this project, please click here and for more information on its social benefits, please click here.