Bundled wind Project by Premier Mills, Pushpathur, Dindugal, Tamil Nadu
The Premier Group has an international reputation for quality and innovation built over the past 60 years in the textile industry. Three separate entities under the Premier Group have developed a 24 MW wind farm in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. The purpose of the project activity is to utilize renewable wind energy for generation of electricity with an aggregated capacity of 24 MW.
The project activity involves the bundling of 30 Wind Turbine Generators (WTGs) of a rated capacity of 800 KW each. The project can generate 45.20 GWh of electricity per year which is supplied to the state electricity grid and wheeled for captive consumption in the respective industrial premises of Premier Group.
Contribution of the project activity to sustainable development
The contributions of this project towards sustainable development are explained with the following indicators:
Contribution to Social Wellbeing:
The project has led to the development of supporting infrastructure in the wind farm location such as a road network. Access to the road network has also provided to the local population.
The project provides encouragement to other entrepreneurs to invest in renewable energy sources.
Contribution to Economic Wellbeing:
The project requires temporary and permanent skilled and semi-skilled manpower at the wind park and creates additional employment opportunities in the region.
The project contributes towards achieving the policy objective on wind power generation from the Government of India and the Government of Tamil Nadu. The policy seeks to promote energy generation through non-conventional sources in order to supplement the ever-increasing energy demand on the state.
Contribution to Environmental Wellbeing:
The project generates electricity through the utilization of renewable resources, leading to a reduction in usage of fossil fuels.
The reduction of fossil fuels for electricity generation results in reduction of the release of associated GHG emissions. It also avoids the emission of air pollutants thereby improving the surrounding air quality.
Contribution to Technological Wellbeing:
The project activity involves the successful installation and operation of Enercon Wind Turbine Generators (WTGs). Increased interest in wind energy projects further leads to more research and development efforts by technology providers to develop more efficient and better machinery in the future.
For more information on this project, please click here.
Bank transfer payment for this project is possible from USD 100.00
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