“Distribution of ONIL Stoves — Guatemala” project involves the distribution of fuel-efficient, improved cook stoves to households across Guatemala in households that currently use conventional open fire. The replacement of open fires with more efficient devices in households reduces the amount of fuel wood consumption through improved combustion efficiency, thus reducing the GHG emissions linked to non-renewable biomass and incomplete combustion of fuel wood.
Our projects have a significant sustainable development impact across climate, social and economic empowerment, meeting a minimum of 7 UN Sustainable Development Goals as follows: No poverty, zero hunger, good health and well-being, quality education, gender equality, affordable and clean energy, decent work and economic growth, industry, innovation and infrastructure, and climate action.
The main goals of the project are:
To contribute to preventing climate change by reducing GHG emissions through the distribution of Improved Cook Stoves. And to help people enhance their health by reducing exposure to toxic off-gassing and particulate matter in biomass smoke while cooking.
The project contributes to the sustainable development of Guatemala as follows:
Climate change mitigation through the avoidance of COC2, CH4, and N20 and black and brown carbon emissions;
Reduced unsustainable harvesting of woody biomass by up to 3 tonnes per stove per year;
Protection of watersheds and biodiversity increasing climate change resilienc
Better health thanks to reduced exposure to toxic off-gassing and particulate matter in biomass smoke (PM 2.5 concentration reduced by 47%);
32% less time spent cooking;
More time to spend on other essential tasks;
Reduced injuries from lifting and carrying wood, burns, and animal attacks when collecting firewood;
Supports gender equality by reducing household labor for women and girls
Contributes to employment opportunities in rural economies.
For more information about the project please check here
For more information about the social benefits of the project please click here.