Taraila Small Hydroelectric Project of Ginni Global Lt…

From USD 0.50 Available tonnes: 27,275
The purpose of the project activity is to generate electricity by using the renewable hydraulic resources to meet the ever-increasing demand for energy in the region.


Birahi Ganga Hydro Electric Project

From USD 0.50 Available tonnes: 978
Birahi Ganga Hydro Electric Project (BGHEP) is a greenfield 3 x 2.4MW run-of-the-river hydroelectric project located in Chamoli District in the state of Uttarakhand in India. The project site is located on the river Birahi approximately 2km eastward of the confluence of two rivers: Birahi river with the Alaknanda river. Th…


Binwa-IV Hydro Electric Project

From USD 0.90 Available tonnes: 59,277
The project establishment is an hydro power plant located on the Binwa-IV khad, a tributary of Beas River in Kangra District of Himachal Pradesh, India. The project is a run-of-river hydro project without storage of water and having an installed capacity of total 4 MW further comprising of Unit # 1- 2 MW, Unit # 2- 2MW, wh…


24 MW Bhilangana - III Hydro Power Project

From USD 1.75 Available tonnes: 7,091
Bhilangana - III (B-III) is a run-of-the-river 24 MW (consisting 3 units of 8 MW each) Hydro Power Project located at Village Ghuttu, Tehsil Ghansali, District Tehri, Uttarakhand State, India. The project activity contemplates utilization of water of Bhilangana River, a tributary of the river Bhagirathi, for setting up an…


Vanala Small Scale Hydropower Project

From USD 2.50 Available tonnes: 248,799
The Vanala Small Scale hydropower project is a 15 MW run of the river type small hydroelectricity generation project located on the river Nandakini in the Chamoli district of the state Uttranchal, India. The project involves installation of two horizontal Francis turbines generating sets of 7.5 MW each for hydroelectricity…


Balsio Small Hydroelectric Project of Ginni Global Pvt…

From USD 0.50 Available tonnes: 102,410
The purpose of the project activity is Hydro power generation on Balsio Nallah, a perennial tributary of Baira Nallah in the Ravi Basin by Ginni Global Pvt. Ltd. (GGPL).