The purpose of the project “KOWEPO Small hydroelectric CDM Project in Taean” is to generate hydroelectric power by using the net head of cooling water drained into the sea. KOWEPO has established small hydro generators that uses sea water as cooling water and returns it into the sea.
The generating system locates in Taean Thermal Power Plant site of KOWEPO. Those power generators consist of four (4) sets and each of them has 550 kW of capacity, total is 2.2MW.
Thus, in the absence of the proposed project activity, about 4,120 MWh/yr of the electricity would have been supplied from the KEPCO grid during the monitoring period. This means that the clean energy produced in Korea benefits not only the local community but the entire region.
Contribution of the project activity to sustainable development
The contributions of project activity towards sustainable development are explained with indicators like contributions to social, economic, environmental, and technological well-being aspects as follows:
Social well-being: Boosted local businesses and employment opportunities, uplifting the community directly and indirectly in Korea. Development of essential infrastructure and enhancement of electricity capacity has promoted regional businesses.
Economic well-being: The project activity has led to an investment in this region accompanied by business and employment benefits along with improvement of grid supply which otherwise would not have happened in the absence of project activity.
Environmental well-being: Hydropower is among the cleanest power generation technologies that displace fossil fuel. This project will distribute environmentally sound technologies to other thermal power plants of Korea, as shown the utilization of surplus energy in thermal power plant.
Technological well-being: This project activity may contribute to enhance technological development of industry by utilizing waste sea water. Also, it will make them get some know-how of engineering design, implementation and acquire driving experiences of the facilities. In addition, it will diversify sources of electricity generation, and be a model that can be applied to other business.
For more information on this project, please click here
For more information on the social benefits of the project, please click here
Bank transfer payment for this project is possible from USD 100.00