Malagone SHP CDM Project, Minas Gerais, Brazil (JUN1122)
Malagone is a run of river small hydro project located in Minas Gerais, Brazil. It has an installed capacity of 19 MW. The project feeds the National Interconnected Grid System with renewable sources of electricity, helping to meet the growing demand of energy in Brazil.
Malagone is a run of river small hydro project located in the Uberabinha river in the Uberlândia city, Minas Gerais State, south-east region of Brazil. It has an installed capacity of 19MW.
The main goal of the project is to feed the National Interconnected Grid System (SIN), compensating thermal power generation from fossil fuels with the generation of renewable sources of energy. The construction of Malagone also helps to meet the growing demand of energy/electricity in Brazil.
Moreover, the project contributes to meet environmental sustainability by increasing the share of renewable energy in relation to the total electricity consumption in Brazil. The project activity consists of a Small Hydro Power (SHP) with a small reservoir (1.27 km2), that has virtually zero environmental impact in comparison to large hydroelectric facilities. This fact is important because the construction of SHP plants contributes to the efficient use of environmental and natural resources. Consequently, the project avoids the growth of environmental and social liabilities caused by new large hydroelectric power plants.
The investment in modern technology during the construction of small hydropowers contributes to an efficient use of water resources, which is relevant because it adds value to natural resources.
The project activity reduces greenhouse gases emissions preventing the entry into operation of thermoelectric plants that use fossil fuels as energy input. In absence of this project activity, fossil fuels would be burned in thermoelectric plants connected to the grid. The project activity initiative helps Brazil to meet its goals of promoting sustainable development.
For more details on this project, please click here.
For more information on the social benefits of the project click here.
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