N2O abatement project at nitric acid plant No. 11 at African Explosives Ltd. (AEL), South Africa
The sole purpose of the project activity is significantly reducing levels of N2O emissions from the production of nitric acid at AEL’s nitric acid plant in South Africa, by implementation of a secondary N2O abatement catalyst. N2O has a high global warming potential, every ton of N2O has the same effect as around 300 tons of CO2.
The reduction of N2O is the only result of this project, making it truly additional. There are no other side benefits for the project or any additional products to be sold. This has been proven in many independent studies and has been accepted by many governments and regulators around the world. The only revenues stem from sales of CERs, which has led to many other similar projects to be stopped in the last years.
For more information about the project, please click here and for more information on the social benefits please click here.
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