PoA for the Reduction of emission from non-renewable fuel from cooking at household level
The purpose of this project is to reduce emissions from household cooking stoves. The use of non-renewable fuel such as wood and charcoal for cooking, leads to the emission of greenhouses gasses, deforestation and poor indoor climate. The programme uses a number of different technologies to reach this goal.
By replacing traditional cooking fuels with clean and renewable ethanol, the project contributes to mitigating deforestation, a prevalent issue in many regions where wood and charcoal are primary sources of fuel. This transition to ethanol helps conserve forests, preserving biodiversity and mitigating the adverse effects of climate change.
Furthermore, the project actively seeks to improve the overall well-being of the communities it serves. The transition from traditional stoves to ethanol stoves significantly reduces the health risks associated with indoor air pollution. Household members, particularly women and children, are less exposed to harmful smoke and pollutants, leading to a decline in respiratory illnesses and related health issues.
For more information on this project, please click here
For more information on the social benefits of the project, please click here
NOTE: If you would like to purchase more credits than are available on this website then please contact us at: operations@ecoeye.com
Bank transfer payment for this project is possible from USD 100.00