Programme of Activities for Small Scale Hydropower CDM in Sri Lanka
This programme of activities uses run-of-river hydropower generation technology, harnessing hydro resources in extremely remote areas in Sri Lanka. The entire electricity generated by the projects are supplied to Sri Lanka's national grid, replacing fossil fuel-based electricity.
The projects under this programme of activities are located within remote areas of Sri Lanka. The projects are clean, environmently-friendly renewable electricity generation that contribute to sustainable development and provide benefits to the locality and the country by:
Contribution to the national energy security.
Diversity of electricity generation using hydro energy resources.
Reduces hazardous gases to people as well as to global warming, such as SOx, CO2 by none-use of fossil fuels.
Reduces country’s fossil fuels imports that saves foreign exchange burden of the country.
Improvement of livelihood and economy of local areas where projects are established by providing job opportunity and regular income, which ultimately improves the country’s economy.
Improvement of social standards of the locality by financial stability and economy improvement influenced by the projects.
Improvement of infrastructure standards (roads, transport, supply-chain, etc) in the locality.
Provides awareness education to the people on use of renewable electricity and global warming.
The programme of activities is jointly developed by a private-public partnership between Sri Lanka and Korea.
For more information about the project please click here.
For more information on the social benefits of the project click here.
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