Rice Husk Based Cogeneration project in Haryana, India by Goel International Pvt. Ltd
The project activity is developed by Goel International Pvt. Ltd (hereafter refereed as Goel International) which is one of the leading producers and exporter of rice in India. The project utilizes locally available biomass (rice husks) for simultaneous generation of thermal and electrical energy in a cogeneration unit. Generated power is in turn used for the in-house requirement of Goel International.
The project activity involves the installation of a cogeneration unit, consisting of a 25 TPH boiler and a 3 MW steam turbine in an existing facility to generate both steam and power. Rice husks are used as fuel in the biomass-based cogeneration plant for simultaneous production of steam and electricity generation.
In the absence of the project, an equal amount of power and steam would have been produced using the fossil fuel-based plant. The project activity is thus reducing greenhouse gas emissions by avoiding fossil fuel combustion in steam and power generation. The annual GHG emission reduction from this project activity is 12,960 tCO2e.
Contribution of the project activity to sustainable development
The contributions of project activity towards sustainable development are explained with indicators like contributions to social, economic, environmental, and technological well-being aspects as follows:
Social Well-being:
The project helps bridge the gap between electricity demand and supply at the local as well as the national level, which leads to improving the quality of people.
Economic Well-being:
The project provides employment for the local people during its maintenance and operation.
The project reduces the import of electricity from the local grid and hence the available power can be directed towards other industrial facilities. This in turn encourages setting up more industries in the area, leading to the more economic development of the nearby area.
Environmental Well-being:
In this project activity, the electrical and thermal energy is generated using the rice husk-based cogeneration plant which replaces carbon emission intensive fossil fuels.
As rice husk is a CO2 neutral fuel, combustion of biomass in this project does not result in net increase of CO2 which is the major constituent in GHG emissions.
Besides, the CO2 emission reduction, the project also reduces SO2, NO2, emissions.
Technological Well-being:
The project proponent has an advanced and environmentally friendly technology for steam and power generation. This in turn, promotes investors to invest more in such environmentally friendly projects.
For more information on this project, please click here
For more information on the social benefits of the project, please click here
Bank transfer payment for this project is possible from USD 100.00
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