San Antonio El Sitio Wind Power Project is the first wind project located in the Guatemalan region. This project was executed by a Guatemalan firm, Eólico San Antonio El Sitio, and deploys sixteen 3.45 MW units of wind Turbine Generators for an annual average of 135.655 GWh of green electricity to the regional grid, meeting the demand of over 20,000 homes.
The project also includes the construction of a substation and the implementation of a transmission line to inject energy produced into the national grid.
The project contributes to an approximate reduction of 81,392 tons of CO2 emissions per year by displacing an equivalent amount of electricity generation at the grid. In absence of this project, the equivalent amount of electricity would have been generated from conventional power plants based on fossil fuels.
The project not only increases energy supply in the region reducing electricity costs, but also assists in conservation of resources and local community development. With the implementation of the project, local communities have been benefited with employment, health, education, improved infrastructure and socio-economic development in the area.
Project Impacts and Benefits:
- Increased energy supply in region;
- Reduced electricity costs;
- Technology transfer and coordination with other projects;
- Local employment generation;
- Local infrastructure development
Socio-economic Impacts and Benefits:
- Local school improvements;
- School supplies donations;
- Improved water and sanitation
For more information about the project, please click here.
For more information on the social benefits of the project, please click here.