SHPPs Jorge Dreher and Henrique Kotzian CDM Project
The power plant supplies electricity to Brazil's National Interconnected System, displacing thermal electricity sources from fossil fuels. It also contributes to environmental sustainability, to meet the growing energy demand on Rio Grande do Sul state, and to decrease external energy dependency.
This Brazilian CDM Project activity makes reference to the construction of 2 Small Hydro Power Plants included in the same Project Design Document (PDD).
The Engenheiro Ernesto Jorge Dreher SHP has an installed power of 17.95 MW and a new reservoir which in its higher water level occupies an area of 0.83 km2.
The Engenheiro Henrique Kotzian SHP has an installed power of 13.230 MW and a new reservoir which in its higher water level occupies an area of 0.66 km2.
The project activity's purpose is to provide electric power to the National Interconnected System - SIN (from Portuguese – Sistema Interconectado Nacional), displacing the thermal generation from fossil fuels present in the system with the generation of renewable sources of energy. Moreover, the SHPs construction helps to meet the growing energy demand on Rio Grande do Sul state, to decrease the external energy dependency and contributes to environmental sustainability, as it increases the share of renewable energy in relation to the total consumption of electricity in Brazil.
In regard to the contribution of the project activity to the mitigation of global warming effects caused by greenhouse gas emissions, the project activity reduces these gas emissions, as well as the host country's dependence of a matrix with large participation of thermoelectricity. As stated in the Generation Information Bank (from portuguese Banco de Informações de Geração-BIG) of National Electric Energy Agency, 26.2% of the generated energy in Brazil comes from thermoelectric plants (that uses fossil fuels as energy source) connected to the National Interconnected System.
The project activity reduces these emissions by avoiding electricity generation through fossil fuel combustion (and CO2 emissions), which would generate (and release) CO2 in the atmosphere.
For more information on this project, please click here.
For more information on the social benefits of the project click here.
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