SHPs Tambaú, das Pedras and Rio do Sapo CDM Project (JUN1132), Brazil
The project's main purpose is to provide renewable electricity power to the National Interconnected System avoiding thermoelectric plants operation that use fossil fuels as energy source.
The project consists in three Small Hydro Power Plants (SHPs) installed in Brazil.
All of them are run of river Small Hydro Powerplants and have a total power capacity between 5.67 MW to 8.82 MW as follows:
- The SHP Tambaú has an installed capacity of 8.82 MW and is located on the Guarita river, between the Erval Seco and Redentora cities, Rio Grande do Sul state.
- The SHP das Pedras has an installed capacity of 5.67 MW and is located on the Chapecó river, Água Doce city, Santa Catarina state.
- The SHP Rio do Sapo has an installed capacity of 5.76 MW and is located on the “do Sapo” river, in Tangará da Serra city, Mato Grosso state.
The project reduces GHG emissions. In absence of the project activity, fossil fuels would be burned in thermoelectric plants connected to the grid to supply the country’s electrical demand. Emission reductions are around 22,000 tCO2/year.
The project also improves the country electricity supply , contributing to its environmental sustainability due to increasing the renewable energy share in relation to total electricity consumption.
The project contributes to social and environmental enhancement due to several programs involving the local community such as the ichthyofauna monitoring in the reservoir area, erosion processes control, environmental education program to employees and local population, terrestrial fauna monitoring program, monitoring and control of aquatic ecosystems, terrestrial ecosystems alterations control, degraded areas rehabilitation and waste management, among others.
For more details on this project, please click here.
For more information on the social benefits of the project click here.
IMPORTANT: PayPal, Brazil does not support domestic transactions in USD. CERs can only be purchased through an international USD transaction.
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