The THEP is a run-of river hydroelectric project that utilizes the natural flow of the Rathang Chu to generate electricity.
A small storage capacity is envisaged by constructing a 12 m high barrage across the Rathang Chu River for diversion of water to the turbine for power generation. The barrage creates a small reservoir of area 1.33 hectares, designed to provide 0.051 million m3 to cater for emergency situations.
The water has been diverted through an intake structure, headrace tunnel, surge shaft and pressure shaft. The water passes from the penstock/pressure shaft into the surface power house that accommodates two 48.5 vertical Francis turbine coupled with vertical shaft synchronous generators where potential energy is converted into electrical energy. In order to utilise high flow during the monsoon period, 10% overload capacity has been provided in each of the two units.
Trash racks are provided at the entry of the power intake structure. The powerhouse has been fitted with a ventilation tunnel. From the powerhouse the water is discharged back into Rathang Chu River, via a tail race channel. It enters the Rathang Chu River immediately downstream of the power house site.
The project activity was successfully commissioned on 06/11/2017.
For more information on this project, please click here.
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