Wind Power Project by EON Electric limited in Rajasthan
The activity was essentially conceived to generate GHG emission free electricity by making use of available wind at the site to meet the regional electricity demand.
The project being a renewable energy project, leads to sustainable development through efficient utilisation of available natural resources and generation of additional employment for the local stakeholders.
Social well-being:
This CDM project activity leads to direct and indirect employment benefits through the building of the towers and for their maintenance during operation. It also lead to development of infrastructure around the project area in terms of improved road network etc. and improved the availability of electricity to the region.
Economic well-being:
Being a renewable resource, using wind energy to generate electricity contributes to conservation of precious natural resources. The project contributes to the economic sustainability through promotion of decentralization of economic power, leading to diversification of the national energy supply, which is dominated by conventional fuel based generating units. Locally, improvement in infrastructure provided new opportunities for industries and economic activities in the area.
Environmental well-being:
The project utilizes wind energy for generating electricity which is a clean source of energy. The project activity does not generate any air pollution, water pollution or solid waste to the environment which otherwise would have been generated through fossil fuels. It also contributes to reduction of GHG emissions.
Technological well-being:
The project activity leads to the promotion of 1.5 MW Wind Turbine Generators into the region, demonstrating the success of large wind turbines, which feed the generated power into the nearest substation, thus increasing energy availability and improving quality of power under the service area of the substation.
For more information on this project, please click here and for more information on its social benefits, please click here.
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