Wind Power Project by RKLPL (EKIESL-CDM.September -11-01)
The main purpose of the project activity is to generate electrical energy through sustainable means using wind power resources, so that the generated output is sold to the State Electricity Board.
Social well being:
The project activity provides job opportunities to local people during erection and operation of the wind farms contributing to some extent to poverty alleviation. The company has developed roads and basic amenities for the local community.
The project also contributes in infrastructure development by improving the availability of the electricity to the grid contributing towards meeting electricity deficit.
Economic well being:
The project activity leads to investment to a developing region which otherwise would have not happened. The generated electricity is fed into the regional grid improving the grid frequency and availability of electricity to the local consumers. This will provide new opportunities for industries and economic activities to be setup in the area thereby resulting in greater local employment and ultimately leading to overall development.
Environmental well being:
Being a renewable resource, using wind energy to generate electricity contributes to natural scare resource conservation.
Technological well being:
The project led to the promotion of 0.6 MW, 1.25 MW & 2.1 MW Wind Turbine Generators in the region strengthening the grid supply and improved quality of power under the service area of the substation.
For more information on this project, please click here and for more information on its social benefits, please click here.
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