Wind Power Project in Rajasthan, India by M/s Devki Builders Pvt. Ltd.
The project activity consists of four Wind Turbine Generators (WTGs) of 1.5 MW capacities at Bastwa Mataji village, Jodhpur district, Rajasthan set up by M/s Devki Builders Pvt. Ltd.
The electricity generation from the project activity will contribute to GHG reductions estimated at 102,400 tCO2e over a period of 10 years, although the project life is envisaged as 20 years. The project activity can evacuate approximately 11,101 MWh of renewable power annually.
1. Social well-being
The proposed project activity leads to alleviation of poverty by establishing direct and indirect employment benefits occurring out for manufacturing towers, for erecting the WEGs and for maintenance during operation of the project activity. The infrastructure in and around the project area will also improve due to project activity. This includes the development of road network and improvement of the quality of electricity in terms of its availability and frequency as the generated electricity is fed into a deficit grid.
2. Economic well-being
The project activity leads to an investment of about INR 3,445 lacs to a developing region which otherwise would not have happened in the absence of the project activity. The generated electricity is fed into the NEWNE grid through local grid, thereby improving the grid frequency and availability of electricity to the local consumers (villagers and sub-urban habitants) thereby resulting in greater local employment, ultimately leading to overall development. The project activity also leads to diversification of the national energy supply, which is dominated by conventional fuel based generating units.
3. Environmental well-being
The project utilizes wind energy for generating electricity which otherwise would have been generated through alternate fuels (most likely - fossil fuel) based power plants, thereby contributing to the reduction in specific emissions (emissions of pollutant/unit of energy generated) including GHG emissions. As wind power projects produce no end products in the form of solid waste (ash etc.), they address the problem of solid waste disposal encountered by most other sources of power. Being a renewable source, using wind energy to generate electricity contributes to resource conservation. Thus the project causes no negative impact on the surrounding environment contributing to environmental well-being.
4. Technological well-being
The project activity leads to the promotion of WEGs into the region, demonstrating the success of wind turbines, which feed the generated power into the nearest sub-station, thus increasing energy availability and improving quality of power under the service area of the substation. Hence, the project leads to technological well-being.
For more information on this project, please click here and for more information on its social benefits, please click here.
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