Clean Cook Stoves in Sub-Saharan Africa by ClimateCare…

From USD 10.00 Available tonnes: 2,594
CookClean manufactures efficient cookstoves to displace the resources wasteful and unhealthy traditional stoves which kill 13,400 people and subject 21 million to Household Air Pollution yearly in Ghana.


Rondinha Small Hydroelectric Power Plant

From USD 1.60 Available tonnes: 25,455
The Small Hydroelectric Power Plant (PCH) Rondinha, located on the banks of the Chapecó River in the Uruguay River Basin, in Passos Maia, Santa Catarina, Brazil, is an example of clean and renewable electricity generation. With an installed capacity of 9.6 MW and a physical guarantee of 5.48 MW granted by ANEEL, PCH Rondin…


Improved Cook Stove Project 2, Nkhata Bay District, Ma…

From USD 15.00 Available tonnes: 30,183
This cook stove project is run by RIPPLE Africa a UK charity working in Malawi since 2003. It involves the dissemination of the Changu Changu Moto high efficiency biomass cook stoves to approximately 22,000 households in Nkhata Bay District, Malawi. It benefits approximately 200,000 people by improving livelihood, preventi…


Improved Cook Stove Project 1, Nkhata Bay District, Ma…

From USD 15.00 Available tonnes: 4,250
This cook stove project is run by RIPPLE Africa (a UK charity) and benefits approximately 200,000 people in Malawi. RIPPLE has so far replaced about 40,000 traditional three-stone cooking fires with fuel efficient cook stoves. This project is reducing greenhouse gases emissions as well as preventing deforestation and respi…


Bundled Wind Power Project by Gangamai Industries and…

From USD 4.00 Available tonnes: 32,871
This bundled wind power project has an installed capacity of 10.9 MW in the states of Maharashtra and Rajasthan, India. The annual estimated amount of greenhouse gases reductions obtained from the project activity is 17,321 t CO2e. Its developer is Gangamai Industries and Construction Limited.


Taebaek Wind Park (Hasami Samcheok) CDM Project

From USD 4.00 Available tonnes: 34,171
Taebaek Wind Park (Hasami Samcheok) CDM Project is located in Gangwon-do, Republic of Korea. The project generates electricity based on wind energy. It contributes to the national renewable energy promotion policy and the global effort of GHG emission reduction.


Biomass Energy Conservation Programme

From USD 10.00 Available tonnes: 9,739
A recent study in Malawi showed that switching from a three-stone fire to a Chitetezo Mbaula stove reduces the amount of particles emitted by 46% and carbon monoxide by 44%. A well-tuned stove can reduce firewood consumption by up to 80%, knowing that Malawi suffered 57% deforestation between 1972 and 1992. The Chite…


Caixa Econômica Federal Solid Waste Management and Car…

From USD 3.00 Available tonnes: 30,117
The Caixa Econômica Federal Solid Waste Management and Carbon Finance Project aims to reduce methane emissions from municipal landfills in Brazil. Led by Caixa Econômica Federal, a Brazilian public bank with a mission to “be the public financial institution that fosters inclusion and sustainable development, transforming p…