2.5 MW Rice husk based cogeneration plant at Hanuman A…

From USD 8.00 Available tonnes: 97,546
Hanuman Agro Industries Limited (HAIL) is a public limited company, incorporated in 1994 with the main objectives of carrying out business activities in the field of Paper & Power Generation using conventional or non-conventional fuel.


10 MW Biomass Based Renewable Energy Generation for th…

From USD 3.50 Available tonnes: 2,544
Saradambika is a 10 MW Biomass Power Plant located in Chimur, India. The project conserves local resources, reduces pressure on the environment, and improves health conditions in the community. The emissions reductions of the project are estimated at 353,487 tonnes of CO2 eq. over the crediting period of 10 years.


Biomass generation project, in Sheyang county, Jiangsu…

From USD 0.50 Available tonnes: 98,944
This project is a biomass power generation initiative located in Sheyang County, Jiangsu Province, China. The plant uses local biomass residues, such as wood, cotton straw, maize straw, rice straw, and other agricultural wastes, as fuel. It has an installed capacity of 30 MW. The project was officially commissioned on Sept…


Hebei ChengAn Biomass Cogeneration Project

From USD 0.47 Available tonnes: 450,776
Hebei ChengAn Biomass Cogeneration Project is located in ChengAn County, Hebei Province, China. Its purpose is to use local straw from cotton to generate electricity. The electricity generated from the project is sold to the Hebei Provincial Power Grid which is a part of the North China Power Grid in order to replace the c…


Jilin Gongzhuling Biomass Generation Project

From USD 1.00 Available tonnes: 145,189
The project is located in Gongzhuling County, Siping City, Jilin Province, P.R.China and was constructed and operated by National Gongzhuling Bio Energy Co., Ltd. The main objective of the project activity is the generation of electrical energy through biomass, which contributes to climate change mitigation efforts.